© 2013 WOWmedia Instruction. All Rights Reserved

                             WOWmedia Instruction  |  Email: info@wowmediainstruction.com

                                             P.O. Box 3884  |  Cerritos, CA 90703
Cancellation and Refund Policy
Course:  Getting Creative with Photoshop

Cancellation Policy

Although it is rare for WOWmedia Instruction classes to be canceled, it is important to note all courses are offered with the expectation of a particular minimum number of participants. Should the minimum enrollment be insufficient two days prior to the class start date, the course will be cancelled. Full refunds are processed automatically for enrollees of a canceled course. Students are encouraged to register early to demonstrate their interest in the course.  

Refund Submission Policy 

1. All requests for refund must be made in writing and include: 
     • Learners’ full name 
     • Course title
     • Course start date
     • Name of the person or agency that paid for registration

2. The request for refund must be submitted to one of the addresses below three days prior
     to the start of the course:  

     • Email: accounting@wowmediainstruction.com

     • By Mail: WOWmedia Instruction
       Attention: Accounting
       P.O. Box 3884
       Cerritos, CA 90703

The date of the email or postmark of a complete refund request, determines the amount of any refund. 

Refund Schedule

     • 100% refund is automatically granted when a class is cancelled. 
     • 100% refunds is granted when a complete refund request is received three days prior
        to the start of the course.  
     • No refund request is granted when the request is received on or after 
        the first day of the course.     
     • Refunds can be expected approximately 4-6 weeks after the request is submitted.

Important Information About Giving Notice 

Notice to an instructor or sponsoring agency does not constitute an official request to withdraw from a class and to receive a refund. Unofficial withdrawal and refund request will not be processed.  

For questions regarding registration please send email to info@wowmediainstruction.